OneWire Master Setup

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OneWire Master Setup

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User Interface

How this block appears in a Simulink model?


What can be configured?

Standard timing configuration



Custom timing configuration


Configuration item

Selectable option/ Value



1, 2, 3, ..., 16

Specify one-wire module for configuration.

Timing/ Speed

Standard | Custom

Standard - preset value for standard timing.

Custom - manual configure one-write bus timing.

Slot time, tSLOT

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Time for read or write data bit.

Recovery time, tREC

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Time between data bit transaction.

Write 1 Low time, tLOW1

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Low time for data bit write 1, and also use as Low time in data bit read.

Read Data sample time, tSAMPLE

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Time position to read data bit value.

Reset LOW time, tRSTL

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Low time for reset transaction.

Reset HIGH time, RSTH

(Specify time in unit of uS)

Low time for reset transaction.

Data port

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I

Select MCU port for one-wire bus.

Data pin

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ... |15

Select MCU pin for one-wire bus.

Bit timing diagram



OneWire Master_DS18B20