String Buffer Processing

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String Buffer Processing

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User Interface

How this block appears in a Simulink model?


What can be configured?


Configuration item

Selectable option/ Value



sprintf | sscanf

sprintf - Process data values, output to string buffer with specified format.

sscanf - Process string buffer with specified format, output result in data values.

String buffer

(Select string buffer name)

Select string buffer target to process.

Printf format

(Specify format of string to process)

Supported format:

%u: specify data type as uint32

%i:  specify data type as uint32

%o: specify data type as uint32

%x: specify data type as uint32

%d: specify data type as int32

%e: specify data type as single

%g: specify data type as single

%f: specify data type as single

%c: specify data type as int8


Enable output status

Checked | Unchecked

This is option to enable or disable output port for string buffer processing status.

0 - Failed,

1 or non-zero value is Success.

Sample time (sec)

(Sample time)

Specify block sample time


String Buffer Demo