Soft I2C Master Setup

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Soft I2C Master Setup

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User Interface

How this block appears in a Simulink model?


What can be configured?


Configuration item

Selectable option/ Value


Soft I2C Module

1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 16

Select soft I2C module for apply configuration

Transfer mode


Note: support "Blocking" only

Clock speed (kHz)

25 | 100 | 250

Select I2C clock speed

Timeout (mS)

(specify I2C timeout value)

SDA pins (cell array)

(Specify pin name or list of pin name for SDA)

Pin name can be string or cell array

SCL pins (cell array)

(Specify pin name or list of pin name for SCL)

Pin name can be string or cell array

When to use this block?

For application required to interface with external device via I2C, example: reading sensors data. The block is simply generate High and Low signal at GPIO pin, it doesn't use I2C module.
