Firmware upgrade instruction

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Firmware upgrade instruction

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aMG SQLite Data Server support firmware upgrade for feature or bugs fix. Follow below instructions:

1. Copy new firmware file into SD card, in sub directory "upgrade" (Create new if it not existing).


2. Disconnect power supply and USB from aMG SQLite board.

3. Insert SD Card from step 1, into aMG SQLite board.

4. Connect USB (for power supply).

This USB connection for power supply to the board.

5. Observe Firmware upgrade LED status.

LED should be turn on for 15 to 25 seconds after USB (power) is connected. Wait until LED turn OFF, it mean firmware upgrade is finish (but not know yet it is success or fail). But if LED is blinking, try disconnect USB and re-connect again to start new firmware upgrade process.


6. Check firmware upgrade result. The success or fail status written into SD card, file "upgrade/log.txt". The firmware file in SD card will deleted automatically after upgrade.

The result showing as below when success, or error code if fail.
