ANT Network for Humid and Temperature sensor demo

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ANT Network for Humid and Temperature sensor demo

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ANT Sensor device id1

Demo File: ant_sensor_device_id1.mdl

Location: <waijungroot>\targets\nrf51_target\nrf51\demo\ant_network_demo\

Target: RTW (Build and Download this demo file into the nRF51 Target board)


The demo model above, read sensors value then transmit out to the Air via ANT protocol ID=1.

ANT Sensor device id2

Demo File: ant_sensor_device_id2.mdl

Location: <waijungroot>\targets\nrf51_target\nrf51\demo\ant_network_demo\

Target: RTW (Build and Download this demo file into the nRF51 Target board)


The demo model above, read sensors value then transmit out to the Air via ANT protocol ID=2. And also repeat data from ID1 (by receive and re-transmit).

ANT Sensor Host

Demo File: ant_sensor_host.mdl

Location: <waijungroot>\targets\nrf51_target\nrf51\demo\ant_network_demo\

Target: RTW (Build and Download this demo file into the nRF51 Target board)





ANT Sensor device id1


1. Temperature and Humidity reading from HIH6131.

2. Pressure reading from MPL3115A2.

3. Light reading from MAX44009.

4. Voltage supply, Vdd reading from internal Vdd with VBG reference.

Period of transmission is 10Hz (0.1sec per value).

ANT Sensor device id2

Sensor reading is similar to Id1, the addition is able to repeat the signal from Id1 for extend transmission range.

Note: this device Id2 will consume more Power if Id1 missing from network due to configuration that allow device to retry searching for signal.

ANT Host (FiO Glide + aMG USB Connect)

This ant host receive ANT message from sensor node Id1 and Id2, then convert to UART ascii packet transmit to Host PC.


1. Serial port monitor software



2. Run simulink model

Demo File: ant_hostpc_sim.mdl

Location: <waijungroot>\targets\nrf51_target\nrf51\demo\ant_network_demo\

Target: SIM (Run simulation on Host PC)
