Create INI File

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Create INI File

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User Interface

How this block appears in a Simulink model?


What can be configured?


Configuration item

Selectable option/ Value


INI Section

(Specify INI section)

INI Keys (cell array)

(Specify INI keys)

Each key name is an input port.

Sample time (sec)

(Sample time)

Specify block sample time

Input port

1. File path

This input port specify file name to open for Write. It can be:

1.1 String pointer, which from "Volatile Data Storage Read" block of variable type "String".

1.2 Vector data of uint8. Note: the data vector must contain 0 to indicate NULL terminate string, example: uint8(['file1.txt' 0])

2. Append

0 : Data write position start at 0 after open file.

non-zero :  Data append to last file position.

3. INI keys

Writing value corresponding to the INI key.

Output port

1. Status

0: Success, otherwise fail.


Device Boot Loader (SD Card)