Ethernet Application Setup

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Ethernet Application Setup

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User Interface

How this block appears in a Simulink model?


This block will run service of the lwIP stack.

For more information about software,  see lwIP TCP/IP stack.

What can be configured?


Configuration item

Selectable option/ Value


IP address

(Specify the static IP address)

Net mask

(Specify a valid net mask)


(Specify a valid gate way)

MAC address

(Specify a valid MAC address)


Checked | Unchecked

Unchecked: Use static IP.

Checked: IP address is dynamic and assigned by network. (Note: This option currently disabled, to be implement next release version).

TCP timer (ms)

(Select a  value for TCP timer)

This value is default to 10 with sample time 0.001 sec. Setting this value lower can increase speed of server but decrease stability.

Sample time (sec)

(Sample time value)

Specify sample time value.


1. UDP_Send-Receive_Demo

2. Start webserver first page

3. Webserver with CGI demo